How Does an Asphalt Plant Operate?

Image:- asphalt plant exporter- All Tech Group
Asphalt batch mix plant as the name goes produces hot mix asphalt in batches every 40-50 seconds.Asphalt is a dark sticky substance that is one of the essential components for road construction.

Below is the functioning of the asphalt batch mix plant at large.

Four Bin Feeder: The cold aggregates are collected from the site and loaded into the four-bin feeder with the help of a mechanical shovel. The aggregates are measured in precise quantities in the feeders, which are in turn connected to a conveyor belt. The cold aggregate is then transferred to the Dryer Drum through the conveyor belt.

Dryer Drum: The dryer drum is a rotating cylinder that is equipped with series of flights in the inside of the drum. The cold aggregates inside the dryer drum when coming in contact with the hot air from the burner gets heated and gets rid of the moisture. The aggregates are subjected to heat until they are heated up and reach the temperature of 150-160 degrees Centigrade.



Image:- Asphalt Plant Exporters - All Tech Group
Screening unit: The hot aggregates are then passed through the screening unit where the aggregates are filtered. It has several screens placed inside the unit one below the other that contain the sieves of different sizes. The top most scalping sieve restricts the passage of the larger particles, allowing the rest to pass through. The lowest screen has the smallest sieves allowing only the sand like particles to pass through. The different aggregates are collected into hot bins.

Hot bins: The aggregates inside the hot bins are kept at the optimum temperature until they are ready to be weighed. Weighing sections for Aggregates, Bitumen, and Fillers: The aggregates, bitumen and the aggregates are weighed separately and pumped into the mixing tower. There is a separate provision for the weighing the fillers from the bag filter for mixing it with the aggregates.

Mixing Tower: The pumped aggregates, bitumen and filler are now ready to be mixed in the pug mill mixer. The pug mill consists of two horizontal parallel shafts that are equipped with pedal arms and tips which rotate together to form a homogeneous mixture.

Asphalt Transfer Pump: The hot mix asphalt is now ready to be stored in the trucks or storage silos for direct use at the construction sites.

Control Panel: This component is the heart of the plant which controls the entire operation of the plant. The addition/deletion of the materials is controlled through this unit.


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